Thursday, April 24, 2008

New atheist movement in America

Not too long ago, I watched "Root of all Evil?" by Richard Dawkins, and he spoke of a phenomena that he has noticed. He says that there are far more "closet atheists" in American than the general public realizes, but since he is a public authority an semi-celebrity in the atheist community, that he has seen it first hand.
He goes on to say that he isn't quite sure what has brought about this phenomenon, but speculates that the Bush tendency to wriggle toward a theocratic government has likely polarized Americans, which is why we see a rise in Evangelistic Christianity. But since many atheists tend to keep their lack of belief a private matter, the real number of atheists is not apparent.

However, recently he has noticed a growing number of those "closet atheists" coming out and making their views known. Dawkins thinks this is in response to the rise in evangelical Christians, because they are well known for pushing political agendas and non-theists and even some moderate christians do not agree with these agendas.

I think Dawkins is on the right track in his thinking, and I can definitely confirm that there are FAR for atheists and agnostics in America than the public is aware of. This is especially true in the 30 year old and under crowd. The younger generations are increasingly non-theistic, but I think this age group is that way not because of political reasons so much, but because this is the age of information. The availability of the Internet, and a host of communication devices, satellite TV, etc. have made information and knowledge freely available. People are now able to educate themselves on the facts of theology, history, mythology, science, etc. and this is often lethal to "Faith" because the evidence does not favor religion and exposes them as the myths that they are.

It's really no surpise that we are seeing a new atheist movement in America. Many people are tired of religious dogmas, and the evagelists that force these views on the public. So, many are coming out to finally stand their ground and to tell the religious majority "Enough is enough! We will no longer pretend to respect your idiocy!"

We are just normal people who believe in, and respect the views of our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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