Friday, April 18, 2008

Atheist crap

It sometimes astounds me how people (even friends and family) treat me about my views on religion, but expect me to respect their views. Hypocracy is something that I have always had trouble with.
For the most part, my church going friends and family have been accepting of my anti-theistic views, but it is tolerence more than acceptence and they usually avoid the subject of god and religion around me at all costs. What really got me going this time is that yesterday, I got a copy of "Freethought Today" in the mail. While I was on the couch reading through it, my wife looked over at me and said "You didn't subscribe to that bullshit did you?"
I told her that it was a complementary copy, but that I rather enjoyed reading it. She replied "You better not be paying for that shit! We don't need any more bills."

Uh, excuse me? This coming from a woman who has at least 5 magazine subscriptions?
First, let me say this; my wife and I have what I would consider just about the best relationship and best marriage of anyone I know or have ever heard of. I love the woman more than life itself, and she never - I mean never tells me that I can't do anything! The problem wasn't money at all, I assure you. It was the fact that this newspaper was anti-religious and she is a religious person. My wife and I have a lot in common, but our religious views are polar opposites.
I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was simply offended that I was reading anti-religious material in her presence and that I had commented about an article to my son - who is also a free thinking individual at 17 years of age.

My point here is that I have never gotten offended about her reading the Bible, and I certainly wouldn't call it bullshit to her face while she was seriously reading it. Well, at least up until this point. I did after her comments explain to her that "Freethought Today" was not bullshit, it was truthful and informative. I continued that if she wanted to read bullshit, just open ANY Bible. It's chock full of bullshit.

At any rate, she unapologetically turned the conversation to another subject and said nothing more of it. I believe she probably spoke before she thought about the consequences of her words, and then realized that she should have not attacked me like that. To her credit, nothing more was said and we continued our evening as if it had never happened.

What really puzzels me is that she says she trusts my judgement implicitly and that I'm one of the smartest people she knows. She will take my advice on nearly anything - except when it comes to the existence of a god. Religion is a powerful thing...

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