Friday, May 9, 2008


It may be an old cliche' but I live for the weekend! It's been a pretty bad few weeks these past 2 or 3 weeks, but I think things are getting better. Sometimes life just throws you a curve ball or two and you just have to deal with it and move on. I dont' like a lot of drama in my life and really value my peaceful time alone or with my wife just sitting out on the back patio in the evenings watching the birds or all the wonderful trees and plants that adorn my back yard. Nearly everything is edible. We have plum, peach, pear, apple and pecan trees. Grapes, blueberries, and mint. I love our new house and that back yard is one of the reasons! It's so relaxing to just sit out there away from all the technology that engulfs the rest of my life. It's like a small forrest without computers, pagers, cell phones, TV's or anything like that. I work in the IT field so for me it's a welcome escape.

Many people enjoy getting out of the house on the weekend to go out to eat, go to clubs, or to go shopping or whatever. Not me. I look forward to staying at home away from everything and everyone. Maybe I'm a bit of a hermit, but that's OK. I'm a happy hermit and I love the weekends at home! :)